San Antonio – La Venecia Tejana?

    “Once upon a time, a group of Brazilian teachers went to San Antonio and fell in love with the place”, that is how I could summary our weekend trip based on what I have heard from my colleagues. The truth is that San Antonio is really a charming city. The Pearl Market, our first stop, is small, but there is a lot to see. We have even found “coxinha”, a traditional Brazilian dish, and guarana soda!

    Our second stop was San Antonio River Walk, first we had lunch in a famous tex-mex food restaurant, Casa Rio (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️). It was delicious, the best tex-mex food I have ever had! Then, we walked along the river side, looking the stores and restaurants. 

    At last, but not least (actually, I would say it was the culmination of the tour) we took a boat trip along the San Antonio River. It was a guided tour, we have heard different stories and tips for what to try (foods, drinks, shows etc.) while in San Antonio. 

    I had been to Venice once, it is what everybody says: beautiful, charming, romantic etc., but San Antonio is all that and a bag of chips! It has a unique vibe and I believe it is because of its Latino roots! As we say in Brazil, Latinos “have the source”. 😂🤌🏻 

    I would say that only one day was not enough for us. There are more places we would like to see. I hope one day I can come back there! 


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