The End of a Journey!

    Getting to the end of a journey is always a… well, once I wrote a book about finishing cycles, and I still do not know how to define the end of something. I mean, I do not know how to feel. The truth is that it is controversial for me.

    By talking to my colleagues, I noticed that some of them are sad because what we are living here is coming to an end, while others are excited about going back to Brazil.

    What about me? I am conflicted.

    Since I was a child, I have dreamt of coming to the United States, and no matter how hard I tried to repress this dream, it remained alive, unconsciously alive. I just realized it when I arrived here. So, I can say I am somehow melancholic because it is coming to an end. 🥺

    However, I am extremely happy about going home! I miss my family and friends, my house, my car, and the life I have there. 🥹

    At the same time, I have met so many great people here; living 40 days with them was amazing! I made friends that I hope to keep for life, and I will miss them, which makes me sad again. 🥺

(movie night watching White Chicks, the best of cinema!)

    Nevertheless, I am excited about sharing the experiences I have had here with my family and lifelong friends and seeing their faces. I think I am a good storyteller. 🤠

    Moreover, I will miss soooo much speaking English every day! I feel smarter every time I understand what people are saying around me and when I make myself understood! 😕

    Still, I miss Brazilian food. That’s it! I am sorry Tex-Mex food lovers, but the cuisine of Belém (my hometown) is considered one of the best in the country and in the world! 😋

    Well, as you can see, it is a paradox! I think I would never be able to decide among all the reasons what I am truly feeling. It was amazing, I enjoyed every minute of this experience, and I think it will help me a lot to develop all the projects I have in mind. That's priceless!


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