Food shocking

    One of my biggest concerns before coming to USA for 40 days was the food. I have only few restrictions about food, I do not eat pork, for example (but I eat bacon, isn’t that funny? lol). However, based on my previous
experiences traveling, after 12 or 15 days, I usually miss a lot the food of my country, especially my mother's food. So, I wondered how it would be here.

    Surprisingly, I am still standing!

    I read that the food in Texas is different from most part of the country, and I am glad it is! The truth is that I am enjoying Texan food. It is different, but maybe not so different. The BBQ is so like our BBQ in Brazil! The tex-mex food is tasty and delicious, and I love the variety. Even the fast-foods are good, In-N-Out milkshake is awesome!

    Well, I know that perhaps three days or a week from now my discourse may change (I almost feel that coming), but for now I am enjoying trying different foods!


  1. These food and day were marvelous! We need to know more BBQs. I'm glad of you're still standing...Yeah, yeah, yeah!

  2. I had the same fear back in Brazil and now I'm always wondering what's gonna have on J2 for lunch and dinner LoL

  3. Yeah! Amazing! I would liked! 🤘🏻❤️

  4. You need to try the milkshakes at P. Terry's and Hopdoddy's!


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