
Showing posts from July, 2024

Houston, we have a problem...

Howdy, Texans? 🤠        So, yesterday we went to Houston. It was a three-hour trip from Austin. Our first stop in Houston was NASA Space Center! That place is unbelievable!!! Did you watch Interstellar?! You should! Mainly before going there! Ok, enough exclamation marks! Let’s talk seriously. When I first came in, I got lost in so much information. They have a model of the International Space Station (ISS), lectures with astronauts, 4D simulators, a regular cinema, an IMAX one, tram tours, and the presentation of their new program to go to the Moon, the Artemis Program!      My favorite part of the tour was when we did a tram tour to see the retired rocket Saturn V, an impressive launch vehicle. The giant is 110 meters! I felt so tiny. This rocket was responsible for the famous Apollo missions. I would love to see that being launched!       Houston, we have a problem: the sad part was that we had only two and a half hours to visit the entire center. Not enough!!! I guess I will have

San Antonio – La Venecia Tejana?

     “Once upon a time, a group of Brazilian teachers went to San Antonio and fell in love with the place”, that is how I could summary our weekend trip based on what I have heard from my colleagues. The truth is that San Antonio is really a charming city. The Pearl Market, our first stop, is small, but there is a lot to see. We have even found “coxinha”, a traditional Brazilian dish, and guarana soda!      Our second stop was San Antonio River Walk, first we had lunch in a famous tex-mex food restaurant, Casa Rio (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️). It was delicious, the best tex-mex food I have ever had! Then, we walked along the river side, looking the stores and restaurants.       At last, but not least (actually, I would say it was the culmination of the tour) we took a boat trip along the San Antonio River. It was a guided tour, we have heard different stories and tips for what to try (foods, drinks, shows etc.) while in San Antonio.       I had been to Venice once, it is what everybody says: beautiful

Food shocking

     One of my biggest concerns before coming to USA for 40 days was the food. I have only few restrictions about food, I do not eat pork, for example (but I eat bacon, isn’t that funny? lol). However, based on my previous experiences traveling, after 12 or 15 days, I usually miss a lot the food of my country, especially my mother's food. So, I wondered how it would be here.      Surprisingly, I am still standing!      I read that the food in Texas is different from most part of the country, and I am glad it is! The truth is that I am enjoying Texan food. It is different, but maybe not so different. The BBQ is so like our BBQ in Brazil! The tex-mex food is tasty and delicious, and I love the variety. Even the fast-foods are good, In-N-Out milkshake is awesome!      Well, I know that perhaps three days or a week from now my discourse may change (I almost feel that coming), but for now I am enjoying trying different foods!